Jul 28, 2009

LOVE / HATE...Am Lost!

I am kind of lost in life... as this is not a new feeling for me though. Many a times i do not realize what am doing...? and am least bothered about it. and just leave it and keep worrying about what happened...

We realize the importance of something when its not there in front of us.. we kind of miss it. but when the same thing is around we take it for granted and neglect it. Its damn human nature to be that way. But how long will this ignorance go on....? Men should realize its importance when its right there with them... I think this is the reason to be sad about certain things or people!

We keep thinking about the person always...
1) Whom we hate the most
2) Whom we love the most

So our mind kind of becomes so much conscious about the person ( whom we love or hate ) in his/her presence and mind gets confused/frustrated/worried and all sort of things happen in mind totally it takes away the peace out of our mind.. i wonder why it all happens.. why can't we control all these feelings?

Sometimes i feel i love that person the most.. when i think about the good things about him/her. But the same thing applies to hate if some gray memories haunt (Always applies to me) my mind. So it becomes so very difficult to decide about whether i love or hate that person in total.

And i just keep on thinking forever to decide on this...

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